Formation Integrity Testing

Stronghold® Defender® System- Archer’s field proven one-trip Barrier Test system

The Stronghold® Defender® system provides a safe, quick, economical and effective alternative to traditional P&A techniques of casing recovery, milling and perforate, wash and cement when traditionally, several runs were required to test the annulus. Setting two plugs and perforations took up to 3 runs and Archer’s Defender® system achieves this in just 1 trip by:

  • Perforating the casing or liner.
  • Verifying the integrity of the annulus.
  • Placing barrier material in the casing and annulus.

Result: permanent verified barrier achieved in a single trip with a simple, cost effective solution for annular remediation – Stronghold®


  1. Single run system with perforation guns on the same run.
  2. Perforates, verifies and cements all in one run
  3. Time efficient 12 hours from run in hole to cement is pumped.
  4. No need to squeeze or wait on cement (WOC). Time saving – approximately 16-24 hours.
  5. Robust dual swab cup design with back up swab cups for improved reliability

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Reach out to one of our employees for help and assistance.

Kenza Lahlou

Director Sales & Marketing - Well Services